

About Rodney SF Tours

After a 30 year career in software development, in 2015, I pursued a longtime dream of being a tour guide in San Francisco.  The tours I lead all cover subjects I'm passionate and enjoy talking about.  My goal is to deepen your understanding of and connection to key cultural organizations and periods of San Francisco history.

When the Covid-19 began, I realized that I was unlikely to be giving in-person tours for some time. I converted many of my tours to be presented virtually. In 2020, I hosted 57 events on Zoom covering a range of subjects including Summer of Love Music, the San Francisco Bay Trail and over a dozen art topics.

I hope you can join me on a tour very soon.  This site tells you which tours are available and when.  It also provides ways to get in touch and provide feedback based on your experiences. 

Click here to read about how I became a tour guide.